My name is Dorus Verwiel, designer, illustrator and teacher. Despite 30 years of experience in design and illustration, with every new project I try to find the comfortable balance between form and function. And it may be fun.
Beside my free-lance work I teach digital design at the Media-Academy, part of the Koning Willem 1 College at ‘s-Hertogenbosch, The Netherlands.
Since april 2018 I'm a proud Adobe Campus Leader (ACL). Since October 2018 I'm Adobe Certified Associate as a Visual Design specialist CC 2018. I'm also part of the Adobe Partners by Design group.
Beside my free-lance work I teach digital design at the Media-Academy, part of the Koning Willem 1 College at ‘s-Hertogenbosch, The Netherlands.
Since april 2018 I'm a proud Adobe Campus Leader (ACL). Since October 2018 I'm Adobe Certified Associate as a Visual Design specialist CC 2018. I'm also part of the Adobe Partners by Design group.
please take a look at my portfolio and contact me if you think we can make some great stuff together.
Dorus Verwiel
Theresialaan 76
The Netherlands
(+31) 73 642 59 54
(+31) 6 515 36 701